Starting with Nothing and Ending Up with Something
- 1999
Overhead Funding
1999Overhead Funding
Company Founded
1999Company Founded
- 2000
Mezzanine Financing
2000Mezzanine Financing
First Acquisition
2000First Acquisition
First Drill Well
2000First Drill Well
Arena tested our first discovery well in January 2000, just six months after our initial start-up. The prospect was a relatively inexpensive shallow gas test that was generated by Arena through a 3D seismic-based field study. This prospect was operated by industry partner Hall-Houston. After the discovery, a platform was installed and a second well was drilled. The cumulative production for the project exceeded 13 BCF.
- 2001
Force Energy Drill Program
2001Force Energy Drill Program
HI A521 Drilling Program
2001HI A521 Drilling Program
WC 639/648 Drill Program
2001WC 639/648 Drill Program
After acquiring WC 639/648 from Kerr McGee and completing an integrated field study utilizing reprocessed PSTM 3D seismic data, Arena executed a four well drilling program through the year 2001 and followed up with one more well in 2002. The wells were successful Pleistocene gas producers which lead to the field producing 38 MMCFD, the field’s highest rate since 1994.
- 2002
Arena Offshore First Operated Drill Well
2002Arena Offshore First Operated Drill Well
Arena acquired MI 587 from Anadarko and Kerr-McGee. Shortly thereafter, Arena brought a rig to the field, worked over three wells, and drilled the MI 587 A-2 ST—our first operated drilling prospect. The four wells combined for a 15 MMCFD production rate and produced 15 BCF from Miocene-aged "Rob L” and "Rob M" sands.
Wells Fargo Credit Facility
2002Wells Fargo Credit Facility
Apache Drill Program
2002Apache Drill Program
Under a block evaluation agreement, Arena performed a field study of this 50-year-old property, resulting in the drilling of two successful wells which were tied back to existing field infrastructure.
AOP I Formed
2002AOP I Formed
- 2003
Pelto 25 Drill Program
2003Pelto 25 Drill Program
By November 2003, Arena had drilled two oil wells at South Pelto 25: PL 25 JB-1 ST and PL 25 #5. These wells resulted from a block evaluation deal field study which utilized 3D PSTM seismic and AVO analysis. The #5 well found over 1 MMBOE and produced at rates in excess of 1,000 BOPD from the Miocene-aged oil sands.
BP Block Evaluation / C-11 ST3 Drill Well
2003BP Block Evaluation / C-11 ST3 Drill Well
This South Timbalier area field redevelopment began with a farm-out to drill one prospect that was identified by the field owner. Arena subsequently performed a full field study that resulted in the acquisition of the block and the drilling of five additional wells from the existing platforms. Cumulative production to date has exceeded 18 BCFE.
Noble Block Evaluation Agreement
2003Noble Block Evaluation Agreement
Arena entered into a block evaluation agreement with Noble Energy. A detailed 3D evaluation was performed on this multi-block field, which led to the drilling of several wells and one recompletion.
- 2004
Acquired Apache EI 100 Oil Field
2004Acquired Apache EI 100 Oil Field
Arena’s involvement in this 50-year-old oil field began with a farm-out and the successful drilling of two wells. In 2004, Arena acquired the remainder of the field and has drilled or sidetracked a total of nine wells. Since the acquisition, the field has produced more than 8 million BOE with plans for additional exploration and development drilling.
Noble Multi-Field Acquisition
2004Noble Multi-Field Acquisition
SMI 192
2004SMI 192
SMI 192 life started as an 8 BCF attic play to the A-1 well which had produced 22 BCF and 575 MBO from the Lentic Sand. After acquiring the block a more detailed geologic analysis decreased the risk on and upthrown older Bul 1 play. Arena took on Stone Energy and EPL as partners and drilled 2 wells to test the potential Bul 1 reservoir. 4 sands were found productive and put online producing nearly 4 MMBO and 7 BCF. The original play was also drilled and produced over 8 BCF and 189 MBO.
Maritech Drill Program
2004Maritech Drill Program
In September and October 2004, Arena drilled and completed three successful Pleistocene gas wells at WC 586. The wells were a result of a 3D seismic-based integrated field study, and a block evaluation deal with partner Maritech. The three new wells added 27 MMCFD of daily production and ultimately produced 11 BCFE.
- 2005
EC 328 Oil Field Acquisition and Drill Program
2005EC 328 Oil Field Acquisition and Drill Program
Arena acquired a 50% interest in EC 328 in 2005 for cash and a drilling commitment. A very successful shallow oil development program was conducted consisting of five new wells and one workover.
VR 71 #1 Discovery Well
2005VR 71 #1 Discovery Well
The VR 71 lease was approaching the end of its primary term. Arena recognized the potential and filed an SOO with the MMS. This allowed us time to move a rig on location to drill the VR 71 #1 well. Arena later acquired the rights to drill on offset blocks: VR 52, VR 72 and SM 233. Successful wells were drilled on all four blocks, with estimated production from this complex exceeding 40 BCF.
2005 Hurricane Season
20052005 Hurricane Season
HI A547 B-1 ST Drill Well
2005HI A547 B-1 ST Drill Well
In October and November 2005, Arena drilled and completed two new Pleistocene-aged oil wells: the HI A547 B-1 ST and the B-6 ST. The prospects were a result of careful mapping and analysis of the field’s most prolific oil producing horizon, the Trim A-1B Sand. These two new wells added 2,000 BOPD and more than 1.5 MMBOE in reserves.
- 2006
Formed Exploration Company
2006Formed Exploration Company
EI 57/58 Drill Program
2006EI 57/58 Drill Program
Early in 2006, Arena finished a two-well drilling program in the EI 57 Field (EI57, 58, 38). The prospects were a result of a block evaluation field study with partner North Star and utilized proprietary reprocessed pre-stack depth 3D seismic data. The #7 and #8 wells each found multiple gas sand stacked reservoirs on Miocene-aged fault closures. Two additional successful wells (#16 and #17) were drilled in adjacent fault closures during 2008.
WD 86 Drill Program
2006WD 86 Drill Program
Operationally, the WD 86 field was extremely busy during 2006, when Arena drilled five wells: one from the "A" platform and four from the "B" platform. These wells encountered multiple stacked Pliocene and Pleistocene gas reservoirs along with minor amounts of oil.
MP 120 Joint Venture
2006MP 120 Joint Venture
- 2007
HI 515 Horizontal Well
2007HI 515 Horizontal Well
This one-well shallow gas development was made highly economic by an optimized development approach. The reservoir was exploited using a single horizontal well with an open-hole gravel pack completion, which achieved high production rates while reducing costs. The platform was moved and redeployed from a nearby company-owned field, providing both time and cost savings for the project.
Strategic Shift to Oil
2007Strategic Shift to Oil
SP 83 Drill Program
2007SP 83 Drill Program
Arena acquired this field from Noble Energy. The existing seismic data was of poor quality and very low frequency. Arena contracted to have the data reprocessed, and has subsequently reinterpreted the entire field using a reservoir engineering/geologic team approach. This detailed field study led to the drilling of 17 wells which have produced over 57 BCF.
EC 328 "B" Drill Program
2007EC 328 "B" Drill Program
An open-water exploratory discovery led to the setting of the EC 328 B platform and a development with successful oil producers.
- 2008
WC 548 "C" Platform and Drill Program
2008WC 548 "C" Platform and Drill Program
WC 548 is a property that Arena picked up in the Central Gulf Lease Sale. A detailed field study of production in the area was performed utilizing 2D, 3D PSTM, and 4C/3D seismic data. This resulted in the recognition of unexploited gas potential on the open acreage. Ultimately, two wells were drilled to develop the five Pleistocene gas sands which were discovered and a new four pile drilling and production platform was constructed and installed.
Arena Foundation Formed
2008Arena Foundation Formed
As Arena Energy and our affiliate company Arena Offshore grew and prospered, the founders sought opportunities to give back to local and global worthy causes.
EI 100 Drill Program
2008EI 100 Drill Program
Arena interpreted additional data sets and remapped this field, which led to drilling the #27, #43 and #44 wells. These discoveries greatly improved the field economics.
2008 Hurricane Season
20082008 Hurricane Season
SMI 79 Acquisition and Drill Program
2008SMI 79 Acquisition and Drill Program
On this block, Arena acquired a 50% interest in a mudline suspended discovery well. After being assigned operatorship in the block, Arena set a platform and drilled additional development wells, resulting in a successful three-well development program.
- 2009
MP 120 Platforms
2009MP 120 Platforms
The MP 120 area is characterized by numerous shallow oil and gas pay sands. Arena purchased reprocessed data and acquired new seismic data, and identified many opportunities. Some of the opportunities have been drilled while others are awaiting appropriate economic conditions.
Deepwater Discoveries
2009Deepwater Discoveries
Arena was offered participation with Newfield in drilling GB 293 and MC 800. After evaluation, Arena elected to join in drilling these two prospects. Both opportunities were successful and are currently producing at high rates.
Chevron Joint Venture
2009Chevron Joint Venture
Gas Price Decline
2009Gas Price Decline
- 2010
EI 99 Oil Discovery
2010EI 99 Oil Discovery
Based on knowledge gained from working the adjacent EI 100 field, Arena identified and drilled these two high-quality prospects. A small platform was installed with production flowing to EI 100. To date, these two wells have produced over 1.7 MMBO.
First Riker Drill Well
2010First Riker Drill Well
A team of geoscientists and engineers worked together to evaluate this field. The #7 well was the first delineation well drilled, but the Macondo incident prevented its completion. This well was later renamed the K-1, and was drilled to its primary objective. It is currently producing over 2,000 BOPD.
Macondo Permit-torium
2010Macondo Permit-torium
- 2011
Arena Offshore Operatorship
2011Arena Offshore Operatorship
ST 161 C-11 ST#4 Oil Discovery
2011ST 161 C-11 ST#4 Oil Discovery
Building on our prior success in the field, Arena remapped this block using a newly available PSDM seismic data set. The effort resulted in a discovery exceeding one million barrels of oil within this predominately gas-producing field.
Exxon Oil Field Acquisition
2011Exxon Oil Field Acquisition
EC 328 "C" Re-Drill Program
2011EC 328 "C" Re-Drill Program
The EC 328 C platform was set at the site of the EC 328 A structure toppled by Hurricane Ike. A successful redevelopment program of nine wells was then conducted.
- 2012
EI 314 Drill Program
2012EI 314 Drill Program
In 2010, Arena leased the N/2 of EI 314 in Central Gulf of Mexico Sale 213. In 2011, Arena purchased the S/2 of EI 314 from Exxon. (See “Exxon Oil Field Acquisition.”) A drilling program commenced on both leases in May 2012 with two separate drilling operations. The "C" platform drill program—utilizing the H&P 105 rig—got off to an excellent start, as five prolific oil wells were drilled and completed from this platform during the year. The most significant was the C-3ST well, which added nearly 2 MMBO of proved reserves and produced at rates in excess of 1,000 BOPD. The N/2 drilling program, which utilized the Hercules 300 rig, delineated stacked Pleistocene oil sands in three fault blocks totaling over 7 MMBO. These newly discovered reserves would later be developed with wells drilled from the S/2 "C" platform with the H&P 105 rig. The field’s production rate was increased from 2,000 BOPD to over 6,000 BOPD as a result of the drill program’s success.
Riker Platform Set and Drilling Program Begins
2012Riker Platform Set and Drilling Program Begins
After the #7 delineation well was halted because of Macondo, Arena studied our options and elected to proceed with installation of a new 20-slot platform. In 2012, the platform was set and drilling commenced.
VR 342 Platform Set and Drill Program
2012VR 342 Platform Set and Drill Program
Arena acquired 50% interest in this project and was named operator of the field. A platform was set and a successful three-well oil development program was conducted. Production from this field is processed at Arena's nearby EC 328 oil production facility. Considerable future exploration and development activity is planned for this field.
Lease Sale – Central Gulf 2012
2012Lease Sale – Central Gulf 2012
After a leasing hiatus, many blocks were available for the first time in the Central Gulf Lease Sale. Arena evaluated a number of blocks and became the successful bidder on a total of 17.
McMoRan Multi-Field Acquisition
2012McMoRan Multi-Field Acquisition
This acquisition from McMoRan Exploration added to the company's inventory of assets in the highly prolific Eugene Island area of the offshore Gulf of Mexico. These fields present multiple future development opportunities within the core of Arena's focus area.
- 2013
Riker Drill Program Continues
2013Riker Drill Program Continues
Arena continued our detailed field study of the Riker area. By the end of 2013, Arena had drilled and completed eight wells with production totaling over 4,000 BOPD. Arena has plans to drill wells from all 20 slots.
EI 314 Drill Program Continues
2013EI 314 Drill Program Continues
Throughout 2013, the EI 314 "C" platform continued to operate, yielding 13 total wells drilled. By year-end, plans and facility modifications were in place to commence the drilling of development wells from the S/2 "C" platform to the N/2 PUD targets proved up by the 2012 N/2 delineation program. Plans were also put in place to modify the "C" platform and add six new well slots. In addition to sidetracking all but one of the original "C" wells and utilizing four previously used (open) slots, these new slots will allow Arena to drill a total of 23 wells from the "C" platform.
HI A547 #6 Exploratory Well
2013HI A547 #6 Exploratory Well
The HI A547 #6 Deep Glob Alt wildcat discovery was made in August 2013. The prospect was an amplitude supported test of Glob Alt sands trapped in a deep graben structure (#6 TD 15,665’ MD, 15,198’ TVD). This feature is in close proximity to the HI A572 field complex, which has experienced tremendous production and huge ultimate recoveries from the same Glob Alt section. The 547 #6 well encountered 140’ net gas pay. The gas reservoirs encountered will be very rich in associated condensate production. Arena will build and install a platform and commence the development of the discovery in early 2015.
ST Deep Chevron Joint Venture
2013ST Deep Chevron Joint Venture
A joint venture with Chevron, ST Deep involves three large legacy oil fields which have produced 300 million barrels and 1.5 TCF. In 2014, Arena commenced a drilling program of up to 25 wells and will ultimately earn a 70% operated interest in the asset.
- 2014
AOP III Formed
2014AOP III Formed
MP 123 Acquisition
2014MP 123 Acquisition
15th Anniversary of the Company
201415th Anniversary of the Company
Set HI A547 "C" Platform
2014Set HI A547 "C" Platform
- 2015
Oil Price Decline
2015Oil Price Decline
EI 341 Acquisition
2015EI 341 Acquisition
Riker Drilling Program Complete-20 Wells
2015Riker Drilling Program Complete-20 Wells
Installation of K and AA Platforms
2015Installation of K and AA Platforms
- 2016
Chevron Acquisition
2016Chevron Acquisition
341 Gorilla Drilling Program
2016341 Gorilla Drilling Program
ST 161 Re-Route
2016ST 161 Re-Route
W&T Acquisition
2016W&T Acquisition
314 Drilling - Finished
2016314 Drilling - Finished
- 2017
ST 131K Re-Route to ST 151
2017ST 131K Re-Route to ST 151
WC 544 Drill Program
2017WC 544 Drill Program
EI 182 Drill Program
2017EI 182 Drill Program
White Fleet Drilling Formation
2017White Fleet Drilling Formation
EI 251 Drill Program
2017EI 251 Drill Program
2017 NOIA Safety in Seas Culture of Safety Award
20172017 NOIA Safety in Seas Culture of Safety Award
Rosefield Pipeline
2017Rosefield Pipeline
- 2018
- 2019
Most Valuable Company (Operator) Award
2019Most Valuable Company (Operator) Award
Awarded the Most Valuable Company (Operator) by the Offshore Operators Committee
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023
- 2024